During the 70 day Registration Period you may add up to 100 OfficeTalk users. When you register the product and obtain a keycode for a specified number of users, it is possible that there are more
users than the number of user licenses that you have. For this reason, OfficeTalk lets you specify a subset of users who will become the actual users.
If you have more users than licenses, then when you first log on after entering the product-enabling keycode, OfficeTalk will warn you of this.
OfficeTalk warning
OfficeTalk will then prompt you to specify the subset of actual users by popping up a Select Licensed Users dialog box.
Select Licensed Users dialog box
Choose the users who you wish to license by selecting them from the Unselected list and pressing the button.
When you have chosen all the users, press OK. If, for example you have purchased 5 licenses but you have chosen more than
5 users then OfficeTalk will prevent you from continuing by issuing the following message:
OfficeTalk Message
Remove some users from the Selected list and press OK. You must choose at least one supervisor user. If you do not, OfficeTalk will prevent you from moving on by issuing the following message: You must select at least one supervisor